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4 tips for improving your professional health

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From the Holladay Health Corner

By Tiffany Course, SVP-Human Resources (Nashville, TN)

At Holladay, Health is one of our core values. Our definition of Health is wholistic, and includes physical, financial, mental, as well as professional health. I am going to focus on professional health.

There are many ways to invest in your professional health. Investing in your professional health involves setting careers goals, continuing education, and planning. Throughout my career, I have found that professional health requires both my own investment in my development, as well as my organization’s support.

Below are a few of my own best practices for investing in professional health:

  • Set goals. It is important to set short- and long-term goals. If you don’t know where you are going it is hard to get there. I also find it important to set personal goals. This helps me to intentionally pursue balance with my professional and personal life, which is key to your overall health.
  • Relationships with coaches and mentors. I like to have these relationships inside and outside of my own organization to give me different perspectives in my own profession and other areas of business.
  • Join a professional organization. Look for organizations in your industry to join. Oftentimes, your organization will support your participation and pay for memberships. Don’t just be a member, attend meetings and participate in events. This is a great way to meet and connect with other members and leaders in your industry. You’re sure to meet people with different skills and advice who you can learn from, which can give you an edge in meeting your professional goals.
  • Keep learning! There is no shortage of great podcasts and articles on almost anything you’d like to focus on in your development. Listen, read, or watch — whatever best fits your learning style. Just keep learning. Industry trends are constantly in flux and keeping up-to-date with these trends is essential.

Take time for your own professional health! It will add to your overall health as you create a wholistic, healthy lifestyle.

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